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Re: current status of autofs?

On Sat, 21 Apr 2018 18:33:27 +0000 (UTC) (Christos Zoulas) wrote:

> I've used it with nfs. Can you share the example that is not working
> for you?
> christos

Hi, thanks for the prompt reply.
First of all I apologize for the multiple e-mails I ended up sending: The SSL ceritificate for GMX' SMTP server seems to have expired,and as a consequence neomutt was returning  an unaccetpable certificate error; normally an emeail client wouldn't send a message under similar circumstances but it look like neomutt did. Now that I now it, I'll pay more attention next time and see if I can call GMX support.

Anyway that's my /etc/auto_master:

/media /etc/autofs/ --timeout=10

Here's my indirect map (/etc/autofs/

sd0e -fstype=auto,rw,async,nodev,user,nosuid,noatime,umask=002 :/dev/sd0e

It seems that that the problem was somehow related to rc.conf: If I echoed automount=YES, autmountd=YES and autounmountd=YES to /etc/rc.conf, this didn't result in the services being enbled at the next boot, as confirmed by running:

service automount restart

which returned in 

$autofs is not enabled - see rc.conf(5)

Strange, as looking at the respective rc scripts in /etc/rc.d, the daemons' names are correct

Anyway, if I start the service manually, using onerstart, it works:

$(df -h | grep map)

Filesystem                 Size Used  Avail Mounted on
map /etc/autofs/  0B   0B    100%  /media

Best whishes,

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