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Re: ThinkPad T42 w/-current, no mouse in X

On Sun, 1 Jul 2018, Iain Hibbert wrote:

> On Sat, 30 Jun 2018, John D. Baker wrote:
> > I finally got around to starting X on it and was surprised when the mouse
> > didn't work.  No motion either through the trackpoint nub or the trackpad
> > and no evidence any buttons work.  The keyboard works fine once you get
> > a window active (Alt-Tab in fvwm).
> This also does not work on my T61p. I think somebody else reported that a 
> while ago, not sure if there is a PR for it.

There's some initialization issue.  By accident, it worked fine for a
session, but when I quit and 'xdm' was resetting the Xserver, it stopped
working again.  Switching to a text console and back to the X display
made it start working again.

I seem to recall having to do this sort of thing before, but it's been
a while since I last played with -current X on this machine.

I don't recall having 8.0_RC2 misbehave but if it does the same action
will likely get it working again.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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