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Re: Curl, fetch, wget Shared object "" not found

On 1/17/2019 8:55 PM, Ron Georgia wrote:
I installed curl, fetch and wget using pkg_add, since pkgin is missing, but when I try to use any of those I get this error:
Shared object "" not found

$ uname -a
NetBSD 8.99.30 NetBSD 8.99.30 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Jan 15 01:23:49 UTC 2019 amd64

At the risk of sounding ignorant (see tag line) I am using since does not exist. Is that alright?

That sounds like -current has an updates openssl, but the packages build for 8.0 are linked against the previous openssl version.  Ideally, we'd have a "compat" package for this, but it looks like those only go up to compat61, so you'll need to manually copy the needed libraries by hand from the tarball at

Just make sure not to blindly extract that over /, as I suspect that'd break all kinds of things.


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