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Re: 'postinstall' vs local configuration: how to preserve automatically?

On Fri, 2 Aug 2019, Robert Swindells wrote:

> I would argue that this is a pkgsrc issue, mail/spamd should use
> different pathnames from the older version that was in base.

Seems like the right answer for this case.

> >The "fontconfig"-related files/links ARE part of the base system build.
> >Since base (xbase?) fontconfig is considered new enough to be used by
> >packages in recent pkgsrc branches, I need to set the symbolic link for
> >"../conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf" in "/etc/fonts/conf.d" in order to
> >print legible hardcopy of some web pages.
> You are probably using pkgsrc fontconfig but that doesn't make a
> difference here.

Unless base/xfont "fontconfig" was declared too old again recently,
"fonts/fontconfig/" uses base/xfont "fontconfig" on -current
(and now netbsd-9).

I'm in the process of building 9.0_BETA, so I haven't had a chance to
double-check yet, but not too long ago, -current systems definitely did
use base/xfont "fontconfig", which is why I set the link for

> I think the answer to this part is to remove the whole entry in xetc/mi
> for 70-no-bitmaps.conf, it was only made part of the build for one day.

I'm not clear about this as a solution, unless you mean to eliminate
the situation that causes the file to run afoul of 'postinstall's checks.

I hope you don't mean to remove that file.  If pkgsrc packages are using
base/xfont 'fontconfig', then I need that link set to get legible hardcopy
of web pages (i.e. printing receipts from some online merchants or
temporary permits issued online by my state or local goverment agencies).

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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