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Re: NetBSD on a wireless router?

On 16/08/2019 04:28, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Aug 15, 2019, at 8:15 PM, John Franklin <> wrote:

because I usually use the Ubiquiti APs for WiFi.  For WiFi performance and management on a budget, they’re hard to beat.

+1. I use Ubiquiti to cover the 3 levels of my house + back yard, and it works flawlessly (total of 4 APs to do the job).

Another +1 for Ubiquiti.

I have a UAP-AC-Pro plugged stock firmware plugged into my Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite which in turn runs NetBSD as the router itself.

The range of the UAP-AC-Pro is pretty amazing comapred to anything else I've seen at consumer prices.


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