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CVS Problem (again) ,Slightly lesser old code, but old still [was Re: Console problem ,older code]

Hi !

In my attempt to debunk, I ran into another snag:

While re-checking out pkgsrc, we got :

client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (conslut above messages if any)

I've had it in the past!
What's troubling now is that it is a completely different computer altogether, using Wi-Fi instead of wire, and I got the snapshot wrong so it is a different version for the OS: (9.99.68,  the other is 8.99.51)
Almost a year appart!

I wonder if this could be that we're behind a static IP ?

I am pretty sure any mirror will work, once more.  Or on Cygwin (that use to work too.)

Anyways I will try with the latest sources and report.

The image installed like a charm on a Toshiba Tecra though :)
Bye-bye Windows!

Thank you,

Kindest regards,


On Wed, 4 Nov 2020 20:07:41 -0800
Germain Le Chapelain <> wrote:

> Dear NetBSD,
> I am experiencing problem switching consoles with the keys ctrl-alt-fn.

Germain Le Chapelain <>

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