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undefined references to strlist_match


When my laptop builds NetBSD/amd64-current on NetBSD/amd64-current,
I get the following error.
My DTRACE7 kernel is almost as same as GENERIC, except no options DIAGNOSTIC.

x.o ieee8023ad_lacp_sm_ptx.o ieee8023ad_lacp_sm_tx.o ieee8023ad_lacp_debug.o ieee8023_tlv.o devsw.o ioconf.o /usr/world/9.99/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/DTRACE7/lib/kern/libkern.o  vers.o  swapnetbsd.o
#      link  DTRACE7/netbsd
/usr/world/9.99/amd64/tools/bin/x86_64--netbsd-ld -Map --cref -T netbsd.ldscript -Ttext 0xffffffff80200000 -e start -z max-page-size=0x200000 -X -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ:[@]:Nswapnetbsd.o} ${EXTRA_OBJ} vers.o swapnetbsd.o
/usr/world/9.99/amd64/tools/bin/x86_64--netbsd-ld: subr_autoconf.o: in function `device_compatible_match_strlist_internal':
/usr/src/sys/kern/subr_autoconf.c:2458: undefined reference to `strlist_match'
/usr/world/9.99/amd64/tools/bin/x86_64--netbsd-ld: /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_autoconf.c:2458: undefined reference to `strlist_pmatch'
/usr/world/9.99/amd64/tools/bin/x86_64--netbsd-ld: /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_autoconf.c:2458: undefined reference to `strlist_match'
/usr/world/9.99/amd64/tools/bin/x86_64--netbsd-ld: /usr/src/sys/kern/subr_autoconf.c:2458: undefined reference to `strlist_pmatch'
*** [netbsd] Error code 1

nbmake[1]: stopped in /usr/world/9.99/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/DTRACE7
1 error

nbmake[1]: stopped in /usr/world/9.99/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/DTRACE7

ERROR: Failed to make all in "/usr/world/9.99/amd64/obj/sys/arch/amd64/compile/DTRACE7"
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/src

I think strlist.c is not included in libkern.o.
The following patch works for my environment.

Index: sys/lib/libkern/Makefile.libkern
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/lib/libkern/Makefile.libkern,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -r1.49 Makefile.libkern
--- sys/lib/libkern/Makefile.libkern	30 Jun 2020 16:20:02 -0000	1.49
+++ sys/lib/libkern/Makefile.libkern	25 Jan 2021 03:26:24 -0000
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@
 SRCS+=	strncat.c strncmp.c strncpy.c strpbrk.c strspn.c
 SRCS+=	strcasecmp.c strncasecmp.c
+SRCS+=	strlist.c
 SRCS+=	xlat_mbr_fstype.c
 SRCS+=	heapsort.c ptree.c radixtree.c rb.c rpst.c

Does anyone have the same issue?

Thank you.

PGP fingerprint = 82A2 DC91 76E0 A10A 8ABB  FD1B F404 27FA C7D1 15F3

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