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starting other WM from fluxbox, fvwm (others?) fails
After getting 'fvwm' working in -current, I noticed a strange failure.
When using the "start other WM" function in either 'fluxbox' or 'fvwm{,2}',
the selected window manager starts, but then exits either immediately
or when the next button event happens.
I've only seen this with 'fluxbox' and 'fvwm' as those are currently
the only two additional window managers I build.
'twm' supplied with the in-tree Xorg does not exhibit this problem.
'ctwm' supplied with the in-tree Xorg does not provide this function
(so far as I can tell).
I.e., one can start with 'twm' and then use it to start any other window
manager available without problems. Once running 'fluxbox' or 'fvwm',
using its function to start another window manager (such as the in-tree
'twm') the new window manager starts up, decorates windows, and then
No tell-tales have been left behind in ".xsession-errors" and there are
no core files that I can see.
I only discovered this problem due to having eliminated 'fvwm' as a
possible session manager in my '.xsession' script when it was still
broken, causing it to use 'fluxbox' instead. When I rebuilt "wm/fvwm"
with the patches I posted in another thread, I started up in 'fluxbox'
and used it to start 'fvwm'. It started, decorated windows and then
exited, ending my session and waking up 'xdm'.
This is on NetBSD/amd64-9.99.101 with packages built from pkgsrc-2022Q3
(under 9.99.99 from just before the ".100" bump). "wm/fvwm" was rebuilt
under 9.99.101.
I've not tested on 9.3_STABLE, but will check there soon.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net OpenBSD FreeBSD
| X No HTML/proprietary data in email. BSD just sits there and works!
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