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Re: IntelliJ IDEA for java development on NetBSD

On Sun, 26 Mar 2023 at 18:48, Ron Georgia <> wrote:
> I am using PyCharm Pro (2021.3.3) with a modified file. I use
> Pycharm for Python development (shock) and Rust. I am running into the
> same slowness issue. I see the sluggishness with 9.3, 10_Beta and
> Current (NetBSD 10.99.2). Right now my only solution is to quit PyCharm,
> reboot and restart. I just started running htop to see if I can identify
> what is causing the issue.
> Actually, the slowness has forced me to use vim a little more. :) Yup...
> I still love vim.

I also found IntelliJ running unbearably slowly under netbsd-9 - in
the end I switched to a current kernel and the (whatever) issue seemed
to go away. Under netbsd-10 I sometimes see it running slowly (though
not as badly). This is on a ThinkPad T480 with Intel HD graphics 620.
My gut feeling is its related to drm & specific display driver, as I
don't recall the original slowness on an old T430


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