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Re: arc4random abort -- possibly caused by recent pthread_atfork() change?

Ah ha!

So I just encountered this with a new build from today's sources too.

I was running sysinst from the install image and it barfed a pax.core
while trying to upgrade the target system, immediately on trying to
extract the first set (i.e. the kernel set).

The core reveals:

Reading symbols from pax...
Reading symbols from /home/woods/pax.debug...
[New process 1664]
Core was generated by `pax'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  0x000000000047903a in _lwp_kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000000047903a in _lwp_kill ()
#1  0x00000000004df714 in abort ()
#2  0x00000000004df67a in arc4random_prng_get[cold] ()
#3  0x000000000046e57b in arc4random_uniform ()
#4  0x000000000046d5c7 in __gettemp ()
#5  0x000000000046d4b6 in mkstemp ()
#6  0x0000000000406375 in file_creat (arcn=0x51fea0 <archd>, write_to_hardlink=<optimized out>)
    at /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/bin/pax/file_subs.c:165
#7  0x000000000040420b in extract () at /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/bin/pax/ar_subs.c:487
#8  0x00000000004eac25 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/bin/pax/pax.c:309

The static-linked pax binary on the target system still works fine.
That was built from Feb 25 sources, i.e. just a few days ago.

I re-linked pax again creating a link map to make sure I knew for sure
where those arc4random* calls were loaded from and noticed a call from
arc4random.o to pthread_atfork() and I remembered a recent change I saw
in what I pulled to update from Feb 25 to today (this is from git, of

	commit 7b183bad5a4e5b2b85152895ad68754a9c7d4090
	Author: christos <>
	Date:   Fri Feb 28 16:00:26 2025 +0000

	    PR/59112: Martin Husemann: switch to using mmap instead of malloc

Perhaps this could be causing the problem?  Christos?

					Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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