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Re: running NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....

At Fri, 28 Feb 2025 10:52:55 +0900, PHO <> wrote:
Subject: Re: running NetBSD under UTM (with QEMU) on macOS....
> How about VMware Fusion? It's now free to
> download. I've been using it for a long
> time with mostly no issues.

I haven't tried it.  I'm not a big fan of VMware -- and I prefer fully
open-source tools....  (except of course I am running macOS here! :-))

> > I set up a test VM with UTM sometime last year, but the networking
> > seemed a little unstable.  I'm not sure that's resolved yet.  It seems
> > like it might be a macOS problem with the underlying bridge disappearing
> > or changing.  The VM still thinks the interface is up, but packets from
> > either side stop being delivered anywhere.
> I saw the same symptom with virtio-net on
> UTM. I haven't investigated what's going
> wrong but switching to e1000 could work
> around the issue.

I was already using e1000.

I've switched to virtio-net-pci to see how it fares.

> > So, my main question is with the device emulations available in QEMU,
> > which do people have the most luck and performance with?
> I recommend virtio for disks. It works well and is fast.

Hmmm...  I don't know why I didn't think of virtio or see it in the list
of types.

So far though it doesn't seem any faster then the IDE emulation.

For example I see about 10MB/s when unpacking sets during installation.

I'm pretty sure I saw 3 to 4 times that speed with SCSI emulation, but
it was too unreliable to be sure.

I do see quite decent I/O speeds when reading the emulated disk from
within the VM (via virtio) -- on the order of 180MB/s (that's through
the filesystem, i.e. with something like "pax -w . > /dev/null" then
using ^T to see what it's doing.  I can write to a file at about 70MB/s.

Since the disk images seem compatible between device types I guess I
should switch it up and try different ones again now the install is

So, another question:

How, if it is possible, do I get the system to respond to attaching a
file to a virtual device, such as an emulated USB stick, or CD/DVD,
etc.?  The UTM interface lets me browse and select a file, but nothing
happens (until I reboot, then NetBSD sees the attached media).  I
suppose I should try real media through a real USB device with
passthrough -- that's supposed to work.

					Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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