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Re: NetBSSD audio - I want my mp3 !

On 10/03/2025 18:53, Andrius V wrote:
It is listed in alsa project.

But I don't know what needs to be done to attach it.
Most modern USB Audio devices use a standard interface. There was a V1 standard which is now ancient and a newer V2 standard which added support for higher sample rates and more channels. Does NetBSD support the V2 USB Audio standard?

In NetBSD's defence it took ages for Windows to acquire an out of the box V2 USB Audio driver ;)

I will admit that the main motherboard Audio device being USB attached came as a bit of a surprise to me when I put my latest system together. I did boot NetBSD 10 on it briefly as a smoke test but it never occured to me to check the motherboard audio.


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