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my first full clean from-scratch build on macos

First full clean from-scratch build on macos of ~today's -current:

===> command:    ./ -j 24 -N 1 -m amd64 -V MAKECONF=${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/mk.conf -U -X /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-xsrc -D /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-amd64-destdir -R /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-release -T /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools -M /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-obj release
===> started:    Sun Mar 16 15:21:53 PDT 2025
===> ended:      Sun Mar 16 16:44:03 PDT 2025
===> command:    ./ -j 24 -N 1 -m amd64 -V MAKECONF=${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/mk.conf -X /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-xsrc -U -D /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-amd64-destdir -R /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-release -T /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools -M /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-obj install-image iso-image
===> started:    Sun Mar 16 16:44:04 PDT 2025
===> ended:      Sun Mar 16 16:48:05 PDT 2025

I didn't build everything, but it does include X11 and full debug sets.

I do have a couple of patches for the MKINET6=no and USE_INET6=no, plus
one or two fixes for MKKERBEROS=no, one fix for macOS, and of course
some fixes for -static.

Most of the -static fixes are for X11 of course (with the only invasive
changes mostly being in Xfs), some for rump-related stuff, and a few for
the linker (no LTO support in static builds because no plugins and LTO
"must" be a plugin as the linker and the compiler are frustratingly
separate projects).

I haven't finished porting over the libc Citrus changes yet either, but
that should be easy.

Now I have to sort the changes out into separate PRs.  Would anyone care
for some topic/PR branches on GitHub?

I'm also using Taylor's patches for pr58839-pr58842-pr58840 & pr58915
and I think one or two hacks beyond them.

===> command:    ./ -j 24 -N 1 -m amd64 -V MAKECONF=${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/mk.conf -U -X /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-xsrc -D /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-amd64-destdir -R /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-release -T /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools -M /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-obj show-params
===> started:    Sun Mar 16 17:58:02 PDT 2025
===> NetBSD version:      10.99.12
===> MACHINE:             amd64
===> MACHINE_ARCH:        x86_64
===> Build platform:      Darwin 24.3.0 x86_64
===> HOST_SH:             /bin/dash
===> getenv MAKECONF:     ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/mk.conf
===> MAKECONF file:       ${NETBSDSRCDIR}/etc/mk.conf (File not found)
===> TOOLDIR path:        /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools
===> DESTDIR path:        /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-amd64-destdir
===> RELEASEDIR path:     /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-release
===> Updated makewrapper: /Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools/bin/nbmake-amd64
           BSDOBJDIR = '/usr/obj'
           BSDSRCDIR = '/usr/src'
             BUILDID = (undefined)
           BUILDINFO = (undefined)
           BUILDSEED = 'NetBSD-11'
             DESTDIR = '/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-amd64-destdir'
          DISTRIBVER = '10.99.12'
  EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN = (undefined)
            HAVE_GCC = '12'
            HAVE_GDB = '1510'
           HAVE_LLVM = (undefined)
            HAVE_PCC = (undefined)
     INSTALLWORLDDIR = (undefined)
         KERNARCHDIR = (undefined)
         KERNCONFDIR = (undefined)
          KERNEL_DIR = 'no'
          KERNOBJDIR = (undefined)
          KERNSRCDIR = (undefined)
             MACHINE = 'amd64'
        MACHINE_ARCH = 'x86_64'
                MAKE = '/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools/bin/nbmake'
            MAKECONF = '/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/etc/mk.conf'
           MAKEFLAGS = ' -d e -m /Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src/share/mk -X -j 24 -J 15,16 HOST_OSTYPE=Darwin-24.3.0-x86_64 MKOBJDIRS=yes _SRC_TOP_=/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src _SRC_TOP_OBJ_=/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-obj/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src'
          MAKEOBJDIR = (undefined)
    MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX = '/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-obj'
         MAKEVERBOSE = '1'
            MKARGON2 = 'yes'
            MKARZERO = 'yes'
               MKATF = 'yes'
          MKBINUTILS = 'yes'
           MKBSDGREP = 'no'
            MKBSDTAR = 'yes'
          MKCATPAGES = 'no'
          MKCLEANSRC = 'yes'
       MKCLEANVERIFY = 'yes'
       MKCOMPATTESTS = 'no'
         MKCOMPATX11 = 'no'
           MKCOMPLEX = 'yes'
               MKCTF = 'yes'
               MKCVS = 'yes'
               MKCXX = 'yes'
             MKDEBUG = 'yes'
          MKDEBUGLIB = 'yes'
       MKDEPINCLUDES = 'no'
               MKDOC = 'yes'
               MKDTB = 'no'
               MKDTC = 'yes'
            MKDTRACE = 'yes'
       MKDYNAMICROOT = 'no'
          MKFIRMWARE = 'yes'
               MKGCC = 'yes'
           MKGCCCMDS = 'yes'
               MKGDB = 'yes'
             MKGROFF = 'yes'
            MKHESIOD = 'no'
           MKHOSTOBJ = 'no'
              MKHTML = 'no'
            MKIEEEFP = 'yes'
             MKINET6 = 'no'
              MKINFO = 'yes'
          MKIPFILTER = 'yes'
             MKISCSI = 'yes'
          MKKERBEROS = 'no'
              MKKMOD = 'no'
              MKKYUA = 'no'
              MKLDAP = 'yes'
            MKLIBCXX = 'no'
         MKLIBSTDCXX = 'yes'
           MKLINKLIB = 'yes'
              MKLINT = 'no'
              MKLLVM = 'no'
            MKLLVMRT = 'no'
               MKLVM = 'yes'
         MKMAKEMANDB = 'yes'
               MKMAN = 'yes'
            MKMANDOC = 'yes'
              MKMANZ = 'no'
              MKMDNS = 'yes'
               MKNLS = 'yes'
               MKNPF = 'yes'
               MKNSD = 'yes'
               MKOBJ = 'yes'
           MKOBJDIRS = 'yes'
               MKPAM = 'no'
               MKPCC = 'no'
                MKPF = 'yes'
               MKPIC = 'yes'
        MKPICINSTALL = 'yes'
            MKPICLIB = 'yes'
          MKPIGZGZIP = 'no'
           MKPOSTFIX = 'yes'
           MKPROFILE = 'yes'
             MKREPRO = 'no'
              MKRUMP = 'yes'
             MKSHARE = 'yes'
              MKSKEY = 'yes'
             MKSLJIT = 'yes'
         MKSOFTFLOAT = 'no'
         MKSTATICLIB = 'yes'
        MKSTRIPIDENT = 'no'
          MKSTRIPSYM = 'no'
               MKTPM = 'no'
           MKUNBOUND = 'yes'
          MKUNPRIVED = 'yes'
            MKUPDATE = 'no'
               MKX11 = 'yes'
          MKX11FONTS = 'yes'
          MKX11MOTIF = 'no'
       MKXORG_SERVER = 'yes'
                MKYP = 'no'
               MKZFS = 'yes'
        NETBSDSRCDIR = '/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-src'
          NOCLEANDIR = (undefined)
       NODISTRIBDIRS = (undefined)
          NOINCLUDES = (undefined)
          OBJMACHINE = (undefined)
     OBJMACHINE_ARCH = (undefined)
          RELEASEDIR = '/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-release'
             TOOLDIR = '/Users/woods/build/woods/very.local/trunk-x86_64-amd64-tools'
            USETOOLS = 'yes'
          USE_HESIOD = 'no'
           USE_INET6 = 'no'
        USE_JEMALLOC = 'yes'
        USE_KERBEROS = 'no'
            USE_LDAP = 'yes'
             USE_PAM = 'no'
            USE_SKEY = 'no'
              USE_YP = 'no'
      USR_OBJMACHINE = (undefined)
           X11SRCDIR = '/Volumes/work/woods/g-NetBSD-xsrc'
===> Successful make show-params

					Greg A. Woods <>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <>
Planix, Inc. <>     Avoncote Farms <>

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