Subject: free ethernet cards for macs
To: None <>
From: Brad Parker <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 11/17/1993 14:54:03
Well, no doubt the subject line will catch everyone's attention. And
yes, it's not a ruse, I actually do have free ethernet cards for macs.
I used to work at Cayman Systems (well, ok, I was a founder). They
are getting out of the ethernet card business and have some left over
"gatorcards". I asked if they would donate some to the "macbsd
effort" and they said yes.
They have offered to donate 5 cards of each model they have. These
are brand new, but come with NO WARRANTEE, NO GUARANTEE and NO
SUPPORT. If you get one, it's "as is".
I have 5 LC cards, 5 SE/30 cards (thin), 5 SE/30 cards (twisted) and 5
Nubus cards. I believe these cards are all OEM'd from Asante (I'm not
sure). I also believe they have up to date system 7 software.
I'm offering them to use, macbsd developers for free, with priority given
to educational folks. I'll even ship them to you for free...
If you want one, send me mail stating which model you would like (i.e.
which machine). Naturally I'll also need your mailing address. First
come, first serve.
[please don't ask (yet) about macbsd drivers for these cards; I hacked
one for the original nubus gatorcard and the applecard. I'll promise
to try *very* hard to get tech docs on the cards. I even promise to
try and hack a driver, but no guarantees]
Brad Parker