Subject: Re: Intn'l keyboard support ?
To: Laurent Demailly <>
From: Lawrence Kesteloot <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 01/12/1994 20:40:44
> It would be great that instead of using an (hardcoded?) amercican
> keyboard mapping, macbsd uses the KCHR in use when the booter is
> launched, or at least have a way to use int'l keyboards (french azerty
> for instance).
We now have a much more flexible way of passing information from the
booter to the kernel, so might be able to add that fairly easily. A
better (and far easier) way to do it would be to have an ioctl() and to
write a program to load an arbitrary keyboard mapping at boot time.
(In /etc/rc, for example. Of course, you would have the American
keyboard until then.)
> If you point me toward the right source code , I may try myself...
If you want to hardcode it, look at:
and make sure to post the French copy in case someone else needs it.
> Another Q btw : *which* ftp site is the one were the latest stuff can
> be found ? (i plan to mirror it in europe if possible)