Subject: Re: BETA-1
To: CS major) < (Nakata Ken>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 05/04/1994 23:57:03
> I tried and failed.
Bummer :-(
> introduced with BETA-1 (I have never got a kernel panic with BETA-0
> kernel), and self configuration procedure doesn't run successfully
Could you tell me when the panic(s) happened? I think it's the same
kernel as BETA-0... It is the same kernel that I've been running for
several days, now...
> either. I get complaints about read only filesystem (of course /) and
> unfound "mount", "touch" and so on. Apparently it tries to accessing
> filesystems before properly mounting them.
oof. That's what I get for making assumptions about the path... I've
just gone through and made all the paths absolute.
> I tried to see what's wrong with /etc/rc, but I couldn't do that due
Thanks... I appreciate your effort... Hopefully I'll be able to test
this stuff mo' better when the rest of my hard drive storage appears...
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
= Over the years you swam the ocean following feelings of your own [...] =
== It's a shame to have to die to put the shadow on our eyes. We don't ==
=== want to care. Under the bridge. Over the phone. Wind on the Water. ===