Subject: MachTen and kernel compiles...
To: MacBSD Development <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 06/20/1994 22:36:02
I have met with at least partial success in cross-compiling a kernel
under MachTen. How many potential developers are running MachTen
(probably the professional version, or the maybe the personal with a
lot of RAM). The environment is a little hacked at the moment, but
if there's enough interest, I'd be willing to try to polish it up some
this weekend.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac **
= Over the years you swam the ocean following feelings of your own [...] =
== It's a shame to have to die to put the shadow on our eyes. We don't ==
=== want to care. Under the bridge. Over the phone. Wind on the Water. ===