Subject: IIsi test kernel
To: None <>
From: Craig Ruff <cruff@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 08/01/1994 07:36:09
I tested the latest IIsi test kernel with the BETA-1 tars.  My IIsi
configuration is 17 MB memory, FPU, video Radius PrecisionColor 8X video.
The system came up ok, it found the keyboard and mouse.  Funny thing, it
said the video was 1152x800 in size even when it was set to 1024x768 or

I couldn't get past the first time setup (no keyboard input), so I tried
using the installer to affect the same changes.  Only problem was I had
filled my test partition (only have a 40 MB drive available at the moment)
and the installer appeared to corrupt the filesystem.

I'll try again when I get a chance.

Craig Ruff      	NCAR
(303) 497-1211  	P.O. Box 3000
			Boulder, CO  80307
