Subject: Who is working on a NetBSD - > PowerMac port?
To: None <macbsd-development@NetBSD.ORG, netbsd-ports@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Scott C Kennedy 619-658-4152 <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 01/06/1995 09:57:17
	Would the party/parties involved in a Net BSD to PowerMac port, please
contact me. I and two other interested parties would like to assist in the 
port. If there is no port in progress, would the macbsd port person/people
contact me for a joint mac/powermac/bsd port. 

We are 2 very knowledgeable Unix people, with on very knowledgeable Mac person,
which of course make 1 1/2 knowledgeable Mac/Unix people. :)

Scott C. Kennedy
Scott C. Kennedy ( | (619) 648-4152    FAX - (619) 658-2115 
System Administrator / CBS-CDMA     | Qualcomm, Inc. San Diego, Ca. 