Subject: grf problems?
To: None <macbsd-development@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John P. Wittkoski <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 05/17/1995 09:05:35
Hello all!
I saw (on macbsd-general) that someone had trouble with the -current grf code.
I may be experiencing similar problems.
I reinstalled the most recent tarballs (dated 4-29-95, I think) from eskimo.
I used the IIsi kernel from Daniel Risacher, I could boot my machine and
compile and run dt properly. I should note that I think Daniel was
using source from March when he built that kernel.
Using a tarball source from 5-8-95, I recompiled the kernel with Daniel's
changes. The new kernel boots and works on my IIsi, but after I
recompile dt, it just hangs when I run it.
Daniel had a patch for grf.c that fixed some problems in the past, but it
appears that the grf.c code is quite a bit different than what he was using.
Any ideas?
John Wittkoski InSoft, Inc.
Senior Systems Engineer Phone: (717) 730-9501
Email: Fax : (717) 730-9504