Subject: Re: EXCUSE me for asking Allen
To: None <>
From: Brad "Two Scoops" Grantham <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 08/04/1995 18:46:37
Eric W. Bushmeier said:
> i just had a simple question. I though maybe there was a bug on my mac like an 
> init problem or something else. I was thinking of contributing to this, because 
> i love UN*X and dont want to spend a bajillion dollars on a system, but thanks 
> for making my mine up for me. Thanks for being rude to a ex-soon-to-be 
> contributer. Maybe later i will.

Allen is the major current contributor to MacBSD.  The problem is that
you burst on to the mailing list sounding as if you *deserved* to get
tech support for free.  Remember that Allen gets NO money for his
efforts, and it seems he also gets little praise.  I think you should
be happy he had enough time and motivation to answer as much as he
did.  Don't ever forget that everyone on this list is is a volunteer;
instead of complaining, maybe you could write a better FAQ.

I think you owe Allen an apology.


> PS. the caps lock was on by accident

P.S.  Learn how to use the "SHIFT" key.
Brad Grantham,, 415-390-4993,