Subject: Re: MacBSD Installer patch, and Futura MX problem
To: None <>
From: Hoshi Takanori <>
List: macbsd-development
Date: 08/15/1995 14:55:11
> Again, if anyone (Hoshi?) wants to pick this up and run with it, feel free!

I don't have enough time and motivation to do it.  I just do
what I'm interested in -- making NetBSD up and running on *my*
configuration, and the Installer became useful enough for me.
Building color X server and adding ufs support to MacMiNT are
other options, if I had enough time and disk space...

> This might be "fixed" with the next version of the booter...

Is it booter's problem?  I've looked into the booter 1.4 source,
and it seems that the booter passes the correct values of screen
dimensions, depth and rowBytes, and the console seems to use them.

Where is the booter 1.6 (or newer) source?  and where can I get
the complete source of the newest netbsd.iivx?
