Subject: Re: where is best source?
To: Space Case <>
From: Allen X Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/08/1993 15:49:48
> I got the sources off sun-lamp in NetBSD-current...arch/mac (I don't
> remember the full path off the top of my head) and there seems to be
> a conflict in header files or something -- it gets to scsi/st.c, and
> complains about a couple of things that should be defined in mtio.h,
> but aren't (and are nowhere on my system). Do I need to get stuff
> from further up the directory tree?
You need the entire src/sys tree except that you should only need mac
under src/sys/arch. The mtio.h file in src/sys/sys needs to be updated
such that whereever __386BSD__ is checked, replace with __NetBSD__ and
make sure that __NetBSD__ is defined.
Allen Briggs \ My eyes have seen you/Free from disguise | Gazing on a city under/Television skies.
- end / My eyes have seen you/Let them photograph your soul
killing - / Memorize your alleys/On an endless roll. -- The Doors