Subject: Re: Bay NetBSD Pizza
To: None <>
From: Seppo Kallio <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/15/1993 11:15:10
>Brad Grantham wrote:
>Announcing: the first annual/monthly/quarterly/whatever Bay Area NetBSD
> Pizza Dinner!
>Please let me know if you would desperately like to go but have a
>location/timing/transportation restriction; I can probably change
Great idea, I would desperately. ;-) Move the location about 8650 mk north
east to Jyvaskyla, to the Pizza restaurant "Rosso" at street of Kauppakatu
14. They have a lot of pizza variations and good vine and beer. The weather
is fine here: Only few degrees under freezing point (about -10 C)! No snow
- sorry, but sun is shining!
The location of Jyvaskyla (Jyvaeskylae or Jyväskylä - there is two
a-two-dot characters!) is 62.14N 25.44E. Add it to your Map Control Panel!
It is a very important city (to me at least, Maybe you sould add Santa
Clara also and tell the location of it to me - it is missing from the Map
also!). 8-)
Seppo Kallio U of Jyväskylä Finland
Computing Centre North Europe
(Character code is ISO Latin 1)