Subject: bacbsd for 040
To: None <>
From: Hypnotist of Ladies <ntucker@kilby.ELEE.CalPoly.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/15/1993 13:59:08
Hello. I was wondering if there is any plans yet to support '040 machines
with MacBSD. If so, I would be very interested in beta (alpha?) testing
for you. I am a professional software tester (ie I know how to provide
good bug reports) and I know my way around UNIX systems fairly well. (I
have been the sole user/administrator of a UNIX system before, and it
didn't even explode and I was even able to get the device files set up
correctly. So there.)
Anyway, I have a Mac Quadra840av, so that may make my prospects of ever
getting MacBSD on it worse, I don't know.
-Neal Tucker