Subject: Re: bacbsd for 040
To: Hypnotist of Ladies <ntucker@kilby.ELEE.CalPoly.EDU>
From: Allen X Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/15/1993 17:17:12
> Hello. I was wondering if there is any plans yet to support '040 machines
> with MacBSD.
Your offer is appreciated. We want to run on '040 machines, but there
are several obstacles. Currently, our focus is to get a semi-stable
release out and get the IIci and IIsi working. After that, it looks
like there is a lot of interest in '040 support. Unfortunately, Apple
used different hardware in addition to the '040, like a new SCSI chip,
so a number of drivers will have to be updated, too. Without a machine
to work with here, we'll probably have to count on other people to help
with this. But that's the point of free software, right? ;-)
Anyway, I'm rambling...
Allen Briggs \ My eyes have seen you/Free from disguise | Gazing on a city under/Television skies.
- end / My eyes have seen you/Let them photograph your soul
killing - / Memorize your alleys/On an endless roll. -- The Doors