Subject: bash 1.12
To: None <>
From: cabal <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/16/1993 17:55:48
Hi, I recently compiled the bash 1.12 on my SE/30 5/40 macBSD equipped
I managed to have it compiled with minor adjustements. I used the official GNU
distribution package
I wondered whether anyone is interested and if someone has managed to compile it
with the proper settings for NetBSD (I compiled it for an UNKNOWN_MACHINE
running an UNKNOWN_OS... but it works fine!)
If "you" (I don't know exactly who to ask :-) ) want I can put it in the
incoming directory @sun-lamp, it's ~300k long uncompressed (it was more than
1Mb long before stripping it!!).
BTW for the pizza: I'd love to come, but as the extension of my host-name
explains I'm a bit too far 8-P . Have a good time!! ;-)
p.s. where can i find an explanation of the content of the many libraries
included with the macBSD distribution, having only 28Mb for my root partition
I'd love to remove as much of them as possible...