Subject: Re: Optical drive? (was IIsi support...)
To: Monroe Williams <>
From: Allen X Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/16/1993 20:23:02
> I set up a 128Mb optical catrtidge with mkfs, etc., and was unable to
> get it recognized as a filesystem under MacBSD (I boot from another
> drive).  I am using an Epson optical drive (MO5010 I think, I'm not at
> home right now), and during the boot process it tells me that the
> device is not claimed by a driver, or something like that.

What device file are you using?  Is the drive recognized correctly on

> What's the status on the latest release, anyway?

I'm trying to get my system running with NetBSD-current.  It seems to
compile OK, but I'm getting a hang on boot (it's almost enough to get
me to write the support for the debugger, NOW).  I'll try to post
progress reports a little more frequently.


Allen Briggs         \ My eyes have seen you/Free from disguise | Gazing on a city under/Television skies.
- end                / My eyes have seen you/Let them photograph your soul
      killing -  / Memorize your alleys/On an endless roll. -- The Doors
