Subject: 2 quick questions
To: None <>
From: Keenan Brock <kfb2@Lehigh.EDU>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 11/21/1993 17:40:53
question 1

I made /dev/ser0 & 1 via:

mknode /dev/ser0 c 12 0
mknode /dev/ser1 c 12 1

and running kermit worked really well - but
I did not know how to get back to the c-kermit> prompt
(anyone know how to do this?)
what is the better comm program you all are running?

question 2.

where the heck do you all put the binaries for the stuff you add like bash
and kermit and stuff like that? I never know where it goes so that you know
it doesn't come with the distribution but it is a good tool.


