Subject: Me and my IIvx
To: None <>
From: Brian Kendig <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/03/1993 16:05:58
Okay, I'm feeling adventuresome.  :)  I've just downloaded tars 1 through
5, and I'm ready to try running MacBSD on my system.  Eventually, if I'm
feeling *really* adventuresome, I might want to try helping its development.

Only problem is, my system is a IIvx.  One of the info files says that
MacBSD reportedly won't work on a IIvx.  I presume this is because, as the
notes say, a lot of memory addresses were hardcoded and the IIvx ROMS are
just too new.

Has anyone else gotten MacBSD to work on a IIvx?  I'll probably go through
and tinker with it to get it to work, unless I get too frustrated, but I'd
hate to duplicate effort.  Does anyone have any helpful advice for me?

_/_/_/  Brian Kendig                              Je ne suis fait comme aucun
/_/_/                 de ceux que j'ai vus; j'ose croire
_/_/                             n'etre fait comme aucun de ceux qui existent.
  /  Be insatiably curious.   Si je ne vaux pas mieux, au moins je suis autre.
 /     Ask "why" a lot.                                           -- Rousseau
