Subject: Alpha2
To: MacBSD General <>
From: Allen X Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 12/19/1993 21:45:55
Those interested in the Alpha2 stuff....
First, please make sure that you get the latest etc.tar.gz and
var.tar.gz from today. Sorry for any confusion. (var is down to
under 3K, now--it shouldn't take too long and you don't want my
old log files sitting around ;).
Short list of known problems that I just haven't gotten around to
looking at, yet:
strip, as it exists on sun-lamp, causes shared lib executables
to sometimes not work. Suggestion from mycroft@sun-lamp to
get rid of the "get rid of unneeded zeros" part of the code
is a temp fix.
c++ doesn't work. ???
gdb on sun-lamp will only build for HP300 as is.
kernel doesn't deal with predefined scsi devices (ignores them).
apple ethernet device not synced to run with, yet.
Windows NT compatibility mode bombs when you try to print an
Excel spreadsheet at 24% reduction on a 600 dpi printer.
A lot of applications haven't been tested, yet.
console still doesn't gracefully handle X11R5's resize protocol.
... That's it from the top of my head ...
Allen Briggs Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
killing - ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****