Subject: And, the verdict is...
To: None <>
From: Brian Kendig <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/03/1994 16:53:51
No dice! :-( On my IIvx, I got up to 22 bars -- almost going all the way down
the screen, but there was still room for one or two more -- before it froze
dead in its tracks.
I may not have set things up properly, though, so I intend to try it again.
What's the proper order to install the tar files now, and which ones are
necessary? In the Alpha2 release up for ftp, they're no longer numbered,
and when I installed some of them I got "chmod: file does not exist" errors.
On the plus side, the MacWorld Netters' Dinner is this Friday night after the
convention (email to reserve your place by Wednesday, and
reservations are considered binding). Who all will be there? Let's take
over a few tables. :-)
_/_/_/ Brian Kendig Je ne suis fait comme aucun
/_/_/ de ceux que j'ai vus; j'ose croire
_/_/ n'etre fait comme aucun de ceux qui existent.
/ Be insatiably curious. Si je ne vaux pas mieux, au moins je suis autre.
/ Ask "why" a lot. -- Rousseau