Subject: Re: perms on init, console
To: None <>
From: Brian R. Gaeke <gaekebr@ccds.cincinnati.oh.US>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/05/1994 16:45:21
> 402 [sun-lamp] kern % ls -la /sbin/init /dev/console
> crw-------  1 root  wheel    0,   0 Jan  5 08:07 /dev/console
> -r-x------  1 bin   bin      117583 Dec  7 02:12 /sbin/init*
> (btw: ignore the major/minor number for /dev/consol and the size for
> /sbin/init -- this is from an i386 system...  8-)
> chris
everything checks out, then, except that /dev/console is owned by
root, tty instead of root, wheel.
I'll try to change this and reinstall.
