Subject: What happens after 22 lines?
To: None <>
From: Brian Kendig <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/05/1994 15:40:22
I downloaded it all again, and reinstalled and booted, and it gave me 22
lines across the screen again then went south for the winter. Oh well! :)
What exactly is the boot process doing after it displays 22 lines but
before anything else happens? I wonder if this might be some problem with
my configuration? (Wouldn't surprise me...)
_/_/_/ Brian Kendig Je ne suis fait comme aucun
/_/_/ de ceux que j'ai vus; j'ose croire
_/_/ n'etre fait comme aucun de ceux qui existent.
/ Be insatiably curious. Si je ne vaux pas mieux, au moins je suis autre.
/ Ask "why" a lot. -- Rousseau