Subject: Re: New Kernel Boot problems...
To: None <>
From: Space Case <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/05/1994 19:53:14
Milo Sharp - UAF Academic Comput <> writes:
>	Well, here's the latest.  Since hearing recommendations of replacing
>/dev/console and /sbin/init, I decided to get the older versions (from the 
>1.tar and 2.tar files).  Supposedly, these should work.  But they don't...
>	The one noticable difference, though, is the old console file now 
>displays "MacBSD Console #1, press cloverleaf-# to switch", which I had never
>seen before (having done my first install with the Alpha2 tars).  Before I
>installed the new kernel, though, the Alpha2 tars were getting me past this.
>I don't understand why they broke now...

This sure does sound strange to me...

I loaded my system (Mac II, 5MB mem, 100MB HD, PMMU, Mode 32, Sys 7.1)
with all the Alpha2 tars, and it runs the netbsd.II kernel just fine,
except for the Multitude-of-disks problem.  Also can compile a working

Just occurred to me -- I am using the original Alpha2 etc.tar.gz and
var.tar.gz, not the re-released ones.  Maybe the new ones could be a
problem source?

