Subject: Re: your mail
To: None <>
From: Real Artificial Leather-like Brad Grantham <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/07/1994 20:48:52
(I hope you don't mind me carboning the discussion group)
> How does the partitioning/mkfs work, when I run install after mkfs'ing
> the swap, usr and root...I get the /usr: not found message...and
> it forces a quit.
> What am I doing wrong?
I apologize for not having a set of multi-partition install docs handy.
Here's my basic understanding of the installer, some of which I wrote
and some of which was already there.
Basically, the installer checks your target SCSI drive for two partitions,
which are marked by their first blocks as UNIX root and UNIX /usr. If
you have a UNIX /usr, it tries to mount it. (Here's the fun part) Our
installer basically consists of the VFS, UFS, and block driver code right
out of Net2, with some Mac stuff wrapped around it and under it. We try to
fake the "VFS mini-kernel" into thinking it's in a UNIX machine. This
gives us the flexibility to make system calls like "mkdir()," "unlink(),"
and "open()." If the partition finder finds a /usr partition, it tries
to make a "mount()" call, to place /dev/sd0g on /usr. Unfortunately,
this requires a "/dev" directory. So basically, this is the sequence
of events that must occur for a separate root and /usr setup:
1) Make your partitions.
a) Call your ROOT partition an "A/UX root" partition,
b) but leave your USR partition "MacOS," "Empty," "Windows NT,"
I don't care, as long as its NOT "A/UX."
2) MacBSD-Mkfs your ROOT partition.
3) Use the Installer to unpack "dev.tar".
4) "mkdir /usr" from the Installer.
5) NOW go back, make your USR partition into "A/UX /usr".
6) MacBSD-Mkfs your USR partition.
7) Use the installer to unpack the remaining tar files.
8) When booting the first time (this is an Alpha2 bug), go into
single user mode. (Click "Single User" in the MacBSD-Booting
menu from the Booter.)
9) Type this sequence to get at VI:
"/sbin/mount -u /"
"/sbin/mount /dev/sd0g /usr"
10) "/usr/bin/vi /etc/fstab", and change "/u" on the third line
to "/usr".
11) "/sbin/shutdown -r now"
Your machine should now reboot. That should pretty much do it.
Let us know if you come up with any bugs/errors/machine-blew-up-like-vesuvius