Subject: Suggestion to y'all...
To: None <>
From: Adam Lang <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/08/1994 18:50:03
Look, you're spending loads and loads of time figuring out little
system-level things about Macintoshes, right? Things Apple doesn't give
out without a nondisclosure agreement?
Might I suggest documenting this stuff, so that other people in your
position (not my position, I don't know enough to help y'all yet. :) don't
have to duplicate effort? Maybe just jot stuff down (electronically, of
course) as you figure it out and leave it on an FTP site? I'm sure
there're hundreds of Mac programmers who would thank you...
--Adam Lang
Adam Lang (,
LAP Technologies 100-1 Cherry Ln, State College, Pa 16802 (814) 867-7138
'There are people who reshape the world by force or argument, but the cat
just lies there, dozing, and the world quietly reshapes itself to suit his
comfort and convenience.' -- Allen and Ivy Dodd