Subject: Re: Apple information...
To: None <>
From: Space Case <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/08/1994 17:37:13
Robert Hagopian <> wrote:
>On Sat, 8 Jan 1994, Space Case wrote:
>> This is the same path that Apple has taken. The Apple II was an open
>> machine, immensely popular. With the Mac, especially the newer models,
>> information is increasingly difficult to come by. They will probably
>> take the info to their collective company grave.
>But thankfully, they're slowly changing.... lots of info is available for
>the PPC... :-)
I agree that lots is probably available for the CPU itself. They want
everybody and their mother to use it. But how about the machine internals?
Like the adb controller and such? Not knowing what info actually _is_
available (I would guess not much), I would hazard a guess that the
situation will be essentially the same as now.