Subject: The Lawsuit
To: None <>
From: Roger Vossler <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/08/1994 21:32:48
I thought that Apple's lawsuit was shot so full of holes by
the presiding judge only idiots would hope to win anything
further by continuing it. Has something new happened lately?
From Sun Jan 9 09:56:03 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:54:15 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:54:16 -0600
id BAA17228; Sun, 9 Jan 1994 01:56:03 -0800
From: (Real Artificial Leather-like Brad Grantham)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Overwhelming test site response
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 01:56:03 -0800 (PST)
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Thank you for your response to our test site request!
I've had enough replies that I figure we should have two test sites
per machine.
Here's the status:
IIx 1 more needed
IIci NuBus video spots filled
IIci internal video 2 more needed
IIsi NuBus video 2 more needed
IIsi internal video spots filled
IIvx 1 more needed
If you've offered your machine and we have you marked down as a
test site, you'll be notified by mail in a day or two.
Can someone tell me whether or not the IIvx has built-in video and/or
NuBus slots??
From Sun Jan 9 14:12:42 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:54:18 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:54:21 -0600
id AA05277; Sun, 9 Jan 94 09:12:42 -0500
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 09:12:42 -0500
From: Ted Giering <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Alpha2 binaries on an SE/30
The only way that I can run MacBSD on my SE/30 (8 Mbytes
memory, Quantum 40S at SCSI 5, Quantum 105S at SCSI 0) is to use the
"old" release (in tar files 1.tar, 2.tar, 3.tar, 4.tar, and t.tar) and
to use a relatively new kernel (I am using netbsd.II at the moment).
All attempts to use the Alpha2 files have failed. I tried the files
at and at
When I install this release, the boot always freezes immediatly after
mounting the disk partitions.
There was some traffic on this list about incorrect ownership
and permissions on certain key files causing this to happen. I booted
MacBSD using the "old" release and then loaded some of the new files
in alternate directories. I did find that /sbin/init had different
ownership and permissions in the two releases, but changing this did
not fix the problem.
I then had a closer look at the two sets of binaries, and
found that they had very different sizes. For example, the "old"
version of /bin/ls:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 53248 Aug 2 22:40 ls*
vs. the version on bin.tar:
-r-xr-xr-x 1 bin bin 114688 Dec 12 15:57 ls*
I tried executing the Alpha2 binaries, and all of them crash. For
example, attempting to run the Alpha2 ls gives:
bus error-core dumped
This means that either the Alpha2 binaries are incompatible
with a system booted using the "old" files (this seems unlikely; I am
after all using a new kernel), or they are incompatible with my SE/30.
In the latter case, this may be causing the problem with booting
Alpha2 on the SE/30. Has anyone mangaged to get Alpha2 running on an
Ted Giering
From Sun Jan 9 04:38:33 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:01:30 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:01:28 -0600
id XAA28129; Sat, 8 Jan 1994 23:38:34 -0500
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 23:38:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Robert Hagopian <>
Subject: Re: Apple information...
To: Space Case <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Sat, 8 Jan 1994, Space Case wrote:
> I agree that lots is probably available for the CPU itself. They want
> everybody and their mother to use it. But how about the machine internals?
> Like the adb controller and such? Not knowing what info actually _is_
> available (I would guess not much), I would hazard a guess that the
> situation will be essentially the same as now.
Considering half of that stuff wasn't finalized that long ago... I don't
know, I suspect that part of their strategy in order to get it moving
will be to release a lot of info on it... Plus with their open
architecture type deal (many OSs running on one architecture, they can't
keep stuff TOO secret...)
| Rob Hagopian. | FINGER me! (01/05) | Moon Over Miami | Four |
| +--------------------+-----------------+ lines? I |
| |GC 1.0.1: GU d -p+(-) c++++ !l u++ e/+| only get |
| | m/- s/- !n h f? g+ w+ t-- r- y?| four |
From Sun Jan 9 03:30:13 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:02:48 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:02:46 -0600
From: Allen Briggs <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: HELP! SE/30 Installation
To: (Eric Kelley)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 22:30:13 -0500 (EST)
Cc: macbsd-general@sun-lamp.CS.Berkeley.EDU,
In-Reply-To: <> from "Eric Kelley" at Jan 8, 94 04:42:32 pm
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> 5Megs Ram
Did you specify this to the booter?
> execve failed /bin/sh
Did you install the bin.tar?
> (the errors aren't verbatim: It was scrolling very quickly)
It looks like the booter is reporting more than 5MB...
Allen Briggs Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
killing - ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****
From Sun Jan 9 00:52:16 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:04:41 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:04:45 -0600
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <>); Sat, 8 Jan 1994 19:48:55 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 1994 19:52:16 -0500
From: (Adam Lang)
Subject: Re: To further complicate the issue...
>Milo Sharp writes:
>[text deleted for brevity]
>> In other words, I doubt Apple would mind telling you what you need to
>> know to port BSD, as we're no threat to them. But there are other people who
>> could pose a threat to their monopoly (NuTek's recent Macintosh clone comes
>> to mind...) who could learn a lot about Apple's designs by studying the code
>> for a fully-ported MacBSD...
>Actually, Milo, you have given me a wonderful idea. Why doesn't the Alice/
>MacBSD group ask NuTek for help? It's worth a try, even though it may fail
>for other reasons.
>-Dave Slotter
Insofar as I understand it, NuTEK's Macintosh clone is reverse-engineered,
and not even based on remotely similar hardware. In fact, they have to run
each program that they want to work on the machine and tweak the software
until it actually works. They might (MIGHT!) be able to give some clues
about toolbox stuff, et al., but I find it unlikely that they'd know much
about the low-level stuff that MacBSD is doing. No reason to... they're
not using Macintoshes, they're using their machines and trying to get Mac
programs (that assumedly don't make hardware-level calls at all) to run on
Of course, it still could be worth a try.
--Adam Lang
Adam Lang (,
LAP Technologies 100-1 Cherry Ln, State College, Pa 16802 (814) 867-7138
'There are people who reshape the world by force or argument, but the cat
just lies there, dozing, and the world quietly reshapes itself to suit his
comfort and convenience.' -- Allen and Ivy Dodd
From Sun Jan 9 09:57:19 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:08:03 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:08:02 -0600
id BAA17319; Sun, 9 Jan 1994 01:57:20 -0800
From: (Real Artificial Leather-like Brad Grantham)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: More test site stuff
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 01:57:19 -0800 (PST)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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Content-Length: 53
D'oh! Both IIvx test sites filled. Thanks!
From Sun Jan 9 20:38:05 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:08:41 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:08:47 -0600
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:08:26 -0600
From: Eric Kelley <>
Subject: SE/30 installation. HELP!
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 15:38:05 -0500
Hello again, thanks for the previous help.
I have run into another problem how-ever.
I get through the boot-up procedure until it asks me to fsck /bin/sd0a.
At that point fsck hangs, if I hit <RETURN> it says that block 16 is
unreadable, asks me whether I want to continue and then hangs.
I had originally thought that I had either partitioned the disk incorrectly
or formated incorrectly, but I now doubt that since I have re-partitioned
and installed the system 3 times with exactly the same behaviour.
Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Here's my system stats:
SE/30 5Meg RAM 40 MegHD
14 Meg MacOS
20 Meg Root/Usr
4 Meg Swap
1 Meg Eschatology Partition!!!!!!
(Does anyone know what the HELL this is, the AUX partitioning software I am
using forced me to install this partition. Doesn't seem to be causing
problems but is wasting 1 Meg of precious disk space.)]
btw The disk partitioning software I am using is Alliance Power Tools.
From Sun Jan 9 05:57:20 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:09:43 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 17:09:44 -0600
id AA05480; Sun, 9 Jan 94 01:03:28 EST
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 00:57:20 -0500 (EST)
From: Bill Johnston <>
Subject: Re: Apple information...
To: David Condon <>
In-Reply-To: <9401082254.AA02460@thor.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Sat, 8 Jan 1994, David Condon wrote:
> Bill Johnston said:
> >Just understand that when you spend your time deciphering
> >undocumented chips, and working around boycotts, etc. ...
> >you're making it easier for companies like Apple to get
> >away with making it harder to hack in the future.
> I am very sympathetic to the anti-Apple position, even though I own a mac. The
> idea of "look and feel" makes my skin crawl with the shackles it puts on
> creativity. But then the GNU folks turn around and say that of course since
> we want to punish Apple, we should support their competitors (Microsoft).
The FSF has said no such thing. In the case of Microsoft vs. Apple,
Microsoft is right to refuse to honor Apple's self-invented notion
of "look and feel" copyright by paying extortion money for the
privilege of putting a Trash can work-alike on the Windows Program
manager screen.
Otherwise, FSF has no interest in "supporting" Microsoft. DOS and
Windows support isn't merged into FSF distributed versions of the
GNU source trees. FSF is interested in promoting free software.
Neither Apple or Microsoft does much to serve their interests;
it just happens that what Apple and Lotus did was despicable.
From Mon Jan 10 01:35:41 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:08:07 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:07:41 -0600
id <>; Sun, 9 Jan 94 20:35:43 -0500
id <>; Sun, 9 Jan 94 20:35:41 EST
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 20:35:41 EST
Message-Id: <>
How many grey bars are there in Alpha 2 (I got 16 on my P600)...
Also, is there a list of what happens before/after each bar shows up?
From Sun Jan 9 22:49:02 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:17:35 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:17:39 -0600
id AA05618; Sun, 9 Jan 1994 14:49:02 -0800
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 14:49:02 -0800
From: (Space Case)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: SE/30 installation. HELP!
Eric Kelley <> writes:
>1 Meg Eschatology Partition!!!!!!
>(Does anyone know what the HELL this is, the AUX partitioning software I am
>using forced me to install this partition. Doesn't seem to be causing
>problems but is wasting 1 Meg of precious disk space.)]
I use a hacked version of Apple HDSC Setup that allows me to access other
disks than Apple's. It calls the Eschatology partition "A/UX auto backup."
A nice thing about HDSC Setup is you can choose "Custom" partitioning, go
in and delete *everything* and set up partitions the way *you* want them.
It also has about a dozen different partition types to choose from, nine of
which are A/UX types.
From Mon Jan 10 14:44:41 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:48:20 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:48:23 -0600
id AA00486; Mon, 10 Jan 94 09:44:46 +1100
Message-Id: <9401092244.AA06311@alice.melb.arc>
Subject: Alpha2 on SE/30
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 94 9:44:41 EST
Well, I appear to have taken a huge step backwards.
I downloaded all the Alpha2 tar files, including the additional .gz
ones - took a not inconsiderable time since the damn diskettes I used
to move from work (where I can download from the net at a reasonable
speed) to home (where I use MacBSD) seemed to love to die. TWICE, on
different disks, I had usr.bin.tar not make it home in one piece.
Because I am doing all this on a Syquest removable, I did not have the
luxury of renaming directories and loading a second copy. Stupidly, I
assumed the installer (0.3) would overwrite and it did for the most
part. Except that the calls to 'mknod()' and 'symlink()' fail, as does
the creation of hard links to files.
I had no idea whether it was all intact so I bit the bullet and
re-mkfs'd the disk using the ORIGINAL MacSideTools (from way back when
I first got it to work) -- this hasn't changed, has it?
I then installed netbsd.ii -- is this supposed to be a MacBinary file
that has been gzipped? What weird set of steps got it to that state?
Running the new 4/8k booter gave me the 123+456+789 line and the
little poem that ends with shooting my dog.
Then I get 1 (ONE) gray bar before the mac freezes.
Looking in the copy of locore.s that I have from a while back seems to imply
that this is somewhere here ....
jbsr _gray_bar | first greybar call, we needed stack
| that above gives us
| store mac passed vars.
movl d7,_boothowto | save reboot flags
movl d6,_bootdev | and boot device
movl d6,_root_scsi_id | and boot device
| A4 is passed (was) from MacOS as the very last page in physical memory
jsr _get_top_of_ram | Get amount of memory in machine
movl d0,lastpage | save very last page of memory
movl d4,d0
andl #0x00010000,d0
beq no_serial_boot
movb #0x01, _serial_boot_echo
jbsr _gray_bar
Now I remember, from some mail somewhere, that the parameters are no longer
passed via registers so I assume that my locore.s is wayouta date. Assuming
that the bars didn't move too much, I assume that I am dying in the memory
search but I can't understand why it would happen now unless someone broke
something. I also recall seeing some mail about "SPECIFY THE AMOUNT OF RAM YOU
HAVE IN BANK A" but this was for iici users, not us SE/30 people. Anyway, I
tried specifying 4 meg instead of 8. Didn't help!
Any clues?
Just to add assault to injury, the machine that I use to get FTP
access to sun-lamp, cray-ymp, etc appears to be down, probably for
school holidays. So I have to resort to ftpmail which is not the most
reliable or speedy mechanism - any offers to mail me the stuff I need
would be greatly appreciated (but I realise how greedy this is!)
Lots of pertinent info follows (as if anyone cares)
SCSI Device Map (from SCSIProbe)
ID Type Vendor Product Version
0 Disk Quantum LP105S 910109405 3.2
5 Disk SyQuest SQ5110 CFA
6 Disk NEC D3856 0010
7 CPU Apple SE30 $0178
MacEnvy System Environment Report (2.1)
Filename: MacEnvy Report
Report Date: Monday, 27 September 1993 8:06:37 AM
Item Type/Status
---------------- --------------------------------------------------------
Machine: Macintosh SE/30
Memory: 8192K (8 megabytes)
Processor: Motorola 68030
Coprocessor: MC68882 installed
PMMU Chip: Installed (in 68030)
Sound Chip: Installed (ASC rev.8)
Graphics: 32-Bit Color QuickDraw
Keyboard: ADB Standard (U.S.)
ADB Devices: 2 devices attached
SCSI Chip: NCR 53C80 installed
Clock Chip: New clock chip (256 bytes)
ROM Version: 256K (Version 120), rev. 3
ROM C7 Info: $97221136 (IIx,IIcx,SE/30)
System: Version 7.1 (1333K)
Finder: Version B1-7.1
MultiFinder: File is not present.
Localized For: Great Britain (2)
File System: HFS (Hierarchical)
Debugger: No debugger installed
RAM Cache: 32K, cache enabled
Current App: "Finder"
User Name: (not specified)
Printing To: StyleWriter II
AppleTalk*: AppleTalk is not loaded.
File Server: No remote volumes found
SCSI Devices: 0 - - - - 5 6 7
SCSI Drives: 2 SCSI drives (ID 0, 6)
Sony Drives: 1=FDHD, 2=800K, 3=None
Controller: SWIM chip (MFM/GCR)
Other Drives: None
Boot Volume: Calvin (101 MB)
Volume Use: 87386K used, 13688K free
Catalog Info: 1513 files, 169 folders
Catalog Size: 802K + 802K extents
Last Backup: Never backed up
Boot Blocks: (unknown partition type)
Startup App: "(unknown)"
Monitors: 2 screen devices
Main Screen: 512 x 342 pixels
Pixel Depth: 1 bit/pixel (monochrome)
Aux Screen: 640 x 481 pixels
Pixel Depth: 8 bits/pixel (color)
NuBus Slots: 2 slots used
Slot 9 Card: Lapis ColorServer* LC & PDS/30 -17 Vide{}~
Slot A Card: (no card present)
Slot B Card: (no card present)
Slot C Card: (no card present)
Slot D Card: (no card present)
Slot E Card: Macintosh SE/30 Internal Video
PRAM Status: Last write valid ($A8)
Modem Port: 9600 baud, D=8, S=2, N
Printer Port: 9600 baud, D=8, S=2, N %
Startup Dev: SCSI drive at ID 0
Default Font: Geneva
Speaker Vol: Current setting = 1
Mouse Setup: Dbl-Click = 32, Scaling: On
Key Repeat: Rate = 4, Threshold = 24
Blink Rates: Caret = 12, Menu: 2 times
Latitude: 37! 50' 0" South
Longitude: 145! 0' 0" East
Time Zone: 10 hr, 0 min east of GMT
From Mon Jan 10 02:49:28 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:57:25 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 23:57:25 -0600
id AA27483; Sun, 9 Jan 94 21:49:28 EST
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 21:49:28 EST
From: (Dave Slotter)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Apple information...
Anita Holmgren writes:
[text deleted for brevity]
> Apple may be upgrading existing versions of A/UX, but Apple has said that
> they are not putting A/UX on any new machines. So no A/UX on the
> PowerBooks, the AV machines, etc.
Whom at Apple has told you this? I am capable of believing that they aren't
going to continue developing Unix for new 68K Macs, now that PPC is around
the corner, but I hardly believe that Apple won't make a version of Unix
available for the PowerPC Macintoshes. Could you document your sources at
Apple, please?
> I admit to not having seen the latest Press Release on A/UX 3.1....but I
> don't expect that it will invalidate anything I have said.
No, it hasn't. They increased I/O speed and included bug fixes, which will
help their AWS95 market. There was a copy of the press release posted on
comp.unix.aux. On request, I can dig it out and mail it to the list.
> Of course, I'm not exactly impartial. :-)
Quite correct, as I recognize your name and company. Tenon develops MachTen,
correct? It might help if you identify your interests a little better in
future mailings to the list. I'm curious, however, of your interest in this
mailing list. If I may be as bold as to ask, do you have technical or
business interest here? Your answer will help me better understand your
Thank you.
-Dave Slotter
From Sun Jan 9 22:00:47 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:05:02 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:05:02 -0600
id <>; Sun, 9 Jan 94 17:00:51 -0500
id <>; Sun, 9 Jan 94 17:00:47 EST
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 17:00:47 EST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Overwhelming test site response
I don't have a IIvx but I have a Performa 600 at work I can test on, which
is basically the IIvx... And it *does* have a math card (That I installed).
If you can't find the answer to the VX built-in video question, I can
check my manual at work tommorow and get back to you.
From Sun Jan 9 20:46:46 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:14:50 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:14:54 -0600
id AA25086; Sun, 9 Jan 94 15:46:46 EST
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 94 15:46:46 EST
From: (Dave Slotter)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Apple information...
Rob Hagopian writes:
[lots of text deleted for brevity]
> How interesting, the last I heard was that Apple was practically
> discontinuing development of A/UX... Have they said which machines it
> will run on? Yes, that was basically my assumption all along, and if A/UX
> IS still going to be developed, then yes, voom, there goes my idea too :-)
> (and could you send me a copy of the release if conveinant?)
You can't run A/UX on some of the very newest machines, but you can run it on
some new machines like the Quadra 610 and 650 computers. For a complete list,
look for the A/UX FAQ in the comp.unix.aux newsgroup or FTP it from
[a little more text deleted for brevity]
> > Even though it's heavier, I *can* run A/UX on it!
> Doh! But you can't run A/UX on a Plane... :-) (plus mine has dedicated
> VRAM, so I think it's a closer candidate than teh IIsi... but mabye
> not... :-) )
> -Rob Hagopian
Actually, I've heard of kits to adapt a SE/30 into a laptop. You can run A/UX
on a SE/30, but who would want to go all that trouble just to run A/UX in the
air? I'd rather run MacBSD in the air, but would have to figure a way to
adapt the IIsi to a laptop configuration! ;)
From Sun Jan 9 21:19:48 1994
(5.67b8/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:47:04 -0600
(5.67a/IDA-1.5 for <>); Mon, 10 Jan 1994 00:47:07 -0600
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for <>); Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:16:30 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 1994 16:19:48 -0500
From: (Adam Lang)
Subject: Re: Suggestion to y'all...
>> Might I suggest documenting this stuff
>Good comments in the device drivers would probably be entirely sufficient.
Don't know about you, but if I was writing something original for the Mac
that played with hardware-level stuff, I'd rather have a document or list
than a bunch of (even well-commented) source code, as long as the document
was understandable. Besides that, posting a document called 'Apple
Driver-level System Information' on a couple of FTP/Gopher/WWW sites would
be a lot less obscure than trying to spread the word that if you want
information on Apple's low-level stuff you should download the latest
MacBSD distribution and comb through the driver implementation.
Besides, this is the kind of thing that Apple is at great pains not to
release, and I can't say that I'm entirely happy with that policy.
Therefore, this should show them, at least a little, that if they won't
release it there are people out there who will figure it out and then
document it for themselves. Might make someone think twice. Then again,
might not.
If you do decide to document this sort of stuff, I know I'd like a copy.
I'm not competant to write Mac software just yet, but I will be, and when I
am I like to know everything I can about how the machine I'm working with
(I know, I know, if I like that then get myself an IBM. Well, there are
some things I consider more convenient than a total understanding, and this
user interface is one of them.)
--Adam Lang
PS: Ted Lemon, every time I see a message from you I see the following like
on top of it:
HELO protocol
Thought you might like to know.
Adam Lang (,
LAP Technologies 100-1 Cherry Ln, State College, Pa 16802 (814) 867-7138
'There are people who reshape the world by force or argument, but the cat
just lies there, dozing, and the world quietly reshapes itself to suit his
comfort and convenience.' -- Allen and Ivy Dodd