Subject: Re: Apple information...
To: Dave Slotter <>
From: Robert Hagopian <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/10/1994 02:02:33
On Sun, 9 Jan 1994, Dave Slotter wrote:
> You can't run A/UX on some of the very newest machines, but you can run it on
> some new machines like the Quadra 610 and 650 computers. For a complete list,
> look for the A/UX FAQ in the comp.unix.aux newsgroup or FTP it from
Beh. It doesn't work on my Duo, that's enough :-)
> Actually, I've heard of kits to adapt a SE/30 into a laptop. You can run A/UX
> on a SE/30, but who would want to go all that trouble just to run A/UX in the
> air? I'd rather run MacBSD in the air, but would have to figure a way to
> adapt the IIsi to a laptop configuration! ;)
I think that the limits for cary-on are exceeded with a UPS, IIsi, kybd,
mouse (mous pad?), and monitor... esp if the monitor is bigger than 14"
:-) (21"!!! Imagine getting that through airport security! :-) )
-Rob Hagopian
| Rob Hagopian. | FINGER me! (01/05) | Moon Over Miami | Four |
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