Subject: Ethernet card support in MacBSD
To: Dave Slotter <>
From: Futoshi Miyamori/JH1AFN <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/23/1994 18:04:25
%How did you write your drivers? Assuming that some care was taken while
%writing them, wouldn't register-compatible cards like certain Asante and
%Farallon cards also work? (By register-compatible I mean compatible with
%the Apple Ethernet NB card)
Apple Ethernet NB has 68k cpu on the card, but Apple Ethertalk
NB(this one has AUI and BNC connector) doesn't. I think Asante
cards are compatible with Apple Ethertalk NB card. Am I wrong?
I'm using my Asante's card with Apple's driver on MacOS:-)