Subject: Advice
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 01/27/1994 23:53:20
Hi!  I am so happy to have found a macintosh UNIX port (read: free) that has 
support and looks great.  I have all of the source and an SE/30 w/ 8megs and
120MB hard drive.  I also have a Syquest 40MB with free carts.  I have read
through some of the files and see some recommedations, but it still seems open
ended to me.  What is the "best" way to set this up.  By the time this is 
posted, I will have tryed setting it up on the Syquest.  I am willing to set up
an 80MB partition on my internal, should 16MB or what? swap space be within that
80MB or extra?  Or will the Syquest suffice now, and in the furure?  Anyone who
has set this up and can give good set up advice please let me know!  I hope to
contribute in the future, this will be fun.  Thanks for any info, please respond
by email to me (I don't want to flood the listserver).

