Subject: Re: emacs and hard drive mounting questions...
To: Edward Wolpert <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/10/1994 21:11:22
> 2) I've made a third partition on my NetBSD harddrive (80MB, 50 Root&Usr,
> 10swap, 20free.) I want to mount the 20, but no 'normal' (Read: method
> I know :-) mounting procedures seem to exist. I can't seem to re-configure
> the drive info. (It's only using 617 cycs out of 817 (Or something like
> that.))
What do you mean "mount," kemosabe? The kernel should print the partitions
when it boots. You need to newfs the partition either in BSD (I should try
this... it's been a while) or with the mkfs MacSide utility. When the
filesystem is made, you should be able to mount /dev/sd0g (assuming you made
the second partition Usr) as a normal filesystem. I have just incorporated
some new disk labelling code from finchm, so this will be a bit better in the
> 4) Anyone who's using an Se/30... what kernals are you using? Why?
Someone else answer this, please. I don't even have the old kernels around
> 5) Mailers problem: I can send mail (slip) but the sendmail program won't
> process recieved mail with older kernals... their ps commands work, but
> the system load is way off base. With newer kernals, the ps won't work,
> and sendmail will process the mail. I'm totally lost here... what's the
> best bsd4.3 kernal?
I just found and executed a bug last night that prevented sendmail from
delivering local mail. ps, w, and other commands like that need the
kernel to be named /netbsd. If you booted off of another kernel: oh,
well. (ps actually allows you to specify the namelist on the command
line, but w isn't so flexible.)
Allen Briggs Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
killing - ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****