Subject: Re: Can't boot
To: David Tay <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/20/1994 10:27:46
> But anyway, I'm baffled. After I boot the MacBSD booter and BSD seems
> to be running, my Mac reboots out of nowhere. I dunno what to do. This is
> what I have:
Hmmm... How much ram does it say that you have when you boot? How much
have you started doing when it spontaneously reboots?
> 80 mb Apple main drive, 41 mb (Apple Quantum 250 model) with 32 mb root, 2
> mb swap, and 3 mb eschatalogy (whatever that is).
Can you combine the swap and eschatology (used to recover A/UX system files
after nasty crashes--unused (at least so far) under MacBSD)?