Subject: Re: bootflags
To: Barry Ambrose <>
From: Michael Finch <rri!>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 02/23/1994 19:10:54
> Many thanks for replying to my e-mail
> The problem was booting on a classic with 68030 accelerator aborting and
> indicating "need a 68030 CPU".
> Gestalt reports as follows:
> 	gestaltProcessorType = 4 indicating 68030
> 	gestaltMachineType = 17 indicating MacClassic
> If the boot program uses Gestalt for determining the processor type, then
> I guess I shouldn't have seen the error message I did. This seems to indicate
> a bug somewhere in the boot process.
Well depending upon how much memory you have, the machine type could
change (due to bits overflowing, I HATE THAT).  Those are the gestalt
values that were placed into that variable.  The source is available and
the place where that gestalt is checked, is right around where the
controversial "out of OREOS" dialog box gets displayed.  Its rather
simple to fix and see what happens. Good Luck.


rri! (W)          | BORG-CVS: Your sources check in (H)    | Your changes are irrevelant.
