Subject: Re: Alpha2 & optical drive: still trying...
To: None <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/05/1994 07:39:26
> After looking at the docs on the drive, it appears that mode sense page
> 4 doesn't exist in its world. No wonder things were getting hosed.
That would do it.
> I don't know. Once an optical gets configured, it should act a lot
> like a normal disk, right? (random access, read/write, etc.) Should
> creating new devices be reserved for things that actually behave
> differently once they get going?
> I'm assuming that creating a new device type would mean more nodes in
> /dev. Personally, I'd rather be able to treat opticals and fixed disks
> the same, but then I'm used to MacOS.
Yes, although some older opticals have to explicitly erase a block
before writing it (sloooooow), and stuff like that. I see your
points, and I'll think about it this weekend...
Have a good one,
-allen 'brownian motion' briggs
Allen Briggs Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
killing - ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****