Subject: MacBSD on Mac PPC's?
To: None <>
From: Philippe Steindl <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/16/1994 01:10:58
Hello whoever you are :-)
I'm currently thinking on buying one of the new Mac PPC's, actually an 8100.
But I will only buy hardware, that let's me run a free unix on it, so:
Do you think on a port of netbsd to the ppc's? This would give us some cheap
and fast unix workstations (well, cheap...). I rad the README on, /pub/NetBSD_Mac. There, even the 040 port
doesn't exist and the install procedure is very obscure (A/UX, scsi data
needed, ram data needed). Is there any hope for this port with a maybe more
sophisticated install procedure? I don't want to criticize it, it's maybe
easy for a crack. I'm migrating from Linux (the well known PC unix variant),
which is now very stable and very good, it's install packages have very good
install scripts.
Thank you for any answer
Philippe Steindl
CS student at ETH Z