Subject: Re: mach
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata CS major/CIS dept. <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/21/1994 10:31:58
>Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 04:12:22 EST
>From: (Keenan Brock)
>X-Mailer: SENDM [Version 2.0.10]
>Precedence: bulk
>While the subject of Mach is in the air.
>Don't forget that MachMac is being distributed for the mac. You have to
>have 5 licenses to get it but you get the source and all.. I don't have
>the money to get those licenses but Im sure NetBSD and Mach have found a
>way to use non ATT code.
I think one of the "5 licenses" is kind of non-disclosure agreement
with Apple (probably for the device drivers in the MK).
--- excerpt from
C) What licenses are required?
BSD4.3/Mach2.5 Unix Source license (for UX and BSD/Tahoe utilities)
Non-redistribution / personal-use-only agreement with Apple (for MK)
--- end of excerpt
It won't be very useful unless we can do *anything* with those driver
Ken Nakata