Subject: Re: Mailserver FAQ?
To: None <>
From: Sven Geisler <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/24/1994 16:27:19

On Tue, 22 Mar 1994 rkane@tif200.ED.RAY.COM wrote:

> Is there a mailserver that I can use to get the MacBSD FAQ (he asked meekly
> hoping not to generate too much rage since this question is likely a FAQ)?
> I will not have ftp access for several weeks.

there is a mailserver at TU Berlin (Germany).
mailservers e-mail:

MacBSD FAQ find you in:
/pub/mac/unix/MacBSD/MacBSD.FAQ or

(it is mirrored from

> Thanks

Bye Sven

Sven Geisler                         | InterNet:
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