Subject: Re: recompiling the IIci kernel
To: Bharat S. Jhaveri <bjhaveri@Arco.COM>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: macbsd-general
Date: 03/27/1994 15:50:55
> My question is , is it possible to have configuration file for the CI
> version of the kernel.
There is no specific configuration file for the IIci. The
kernel was generated by a snapshot the kernel source at some point in
the past and was from the same configuration files as the others.
The changes have been rolled back into the main sources (we think), and
you should be able to boot from any recent kernel. Please see if the
kernel at boots for you. If not,
then we have a problem...
> I already got Inside Mac vol II, I guess it is only
> one change, from a digit 4 to 0 in one data structure call to the Apple
> Serial Driver routine.
There is no access to the Apple Serial Driver. You need to look at the
sys/arch/dev/ser.c and serreg.h files. The baud rate is encoded as a
multiple of a clock signal that the serial chip receives as an input.
There is, I think, a macro that you can use to set the baud rate--I'm
away from the sources at the moment.
Allen Briggs Find the cost of freedom / Buried in the ground
- end Mother Earth will swallow you / Lay your body down
killing - ***** MacBSD == NetBSD/Mac *****